Let's Talk, Story Time


Tonight, along with countless of many past nights of mine sleeping is not an option during times like this. I basically spend the entire night crying my eyes out which at first would concern me but a while back I made the decision to turn everything negative in my life around and place a positive spin on it. One thing that would rattle my brain was the reason behind nights like this and surprisingly the conclusion I came up with was my soul needed a time it could release all of the pinned up emotions I have been camouflaging for a certain amount of time.

One of my favorite songs that helps me see when I am heavily in my feelings is Jessie J song titled “RAINBOW”🌈.

The song begins at 2:22 Enjoy🌈

This has been my go to song when I am at my most vulnerable in need of a quick pick me up.

Maya Angelou said it best!

Tears are all in part of the process and should not be seen as a defiant sign for weakness. I much more rather see it as a needed release that been itching to come out. When the moment is over between me and you the weight that has been heavily on me somehow seems to be lifted off without question and continue to move forward. Just as I vocalize that you have the ability to turn a negative situation into a positive one; I strongly believe you can do the same with the act of crying. The majority of new parents shed tears over seeing their child the first time…Students tend to shed tears when they are advancing into the next chapter in their education…Most also shed tears over reaching new milestones in their life…TEARS ARE NOT ALWAYS A SIGN OF WEAKNESS…TEARS HAVE MANY DIFFERENT REASONS FOR HAPPENING! Instead of assuming try not to judge and understand when that particular person is ready he or she will be open to talk.

Yes I have had many nights when my tears have formed its own creek but life has taught me that I should not feel badly for and if you sometimes have the same moment too, do not feel badly because of it.

We’re the colors of the rainbow. Let’s share our pot of gold!

20 thoughts on “Rainbow”

  1. If we leave our ‘hurts’ inside they will go about their business of harm. Better to get them out by whatever means available…
    I remember screaming into pillows when angry. Shouting at the top of my lungs with the car windows shut. Doing the ‘shimmy shake’ like a wet puppy-dog in order to release physical stress. Yes, whatever releases those pent up feelings can only be good for us; including a great big cry! 🙂
    There is, however, one proviso. I learned to do these things with the goal of ‘moving forward’ from my pain. With that in mind, release became a moment of being ‘good’ to myself; and not an act of self pity, or delusion. I was ‘mindful’ that I was looking after my physical, mental and emotional health… A therapy! 🙂

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    1. Your knowledge is exceptional! I have did my share of screaming in the a car with the windows rolled up but what also helped me was the looks I received from the bystanders with one knocking on the window asking if she could give me a hug because two weeks prior someone did the same for her. Moving on is the overall goal of the release which brings a tremendous sigh of relief to the ones who are practicing it. Therapy work wonders!👏

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      1. Hahaaaa… “with one knocking on the window asking if she could give me a hug because two weeks prior someone did the same for her.” That must have been wonderful, or a little embarrassing! 😉 😉
        Happy releasing; whatever strategies you use.. ❤

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